Space Physics & Instrumentation

I am a Space Physicist and Computer Engineer at the University of Michigan. I graduated from the University of Iowa with a dual degree in Computer Science and Engineering, and I am now pursuing a Ph.D. in Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering at the University of Michigan. My goal is to be a Full Stack Space Engineer and Space Scientist. This comprises of both instrumentation design and data analysis of space phenomena.


At the University of Iowa, I developed computer hardware for spaceflight magnetometers. I developed device drivers and telemetry systems in Verilog for fluxgate magnetometers. I also participated in the development of a hybrid fluxgate/search coil magnetometer.

My research at the University of Michigan focuses on signal processing and analysis of magnetic field data. Spacecraft electrical systems generate noise which interferes with magnetic field measurements. I developed an algorithm that can automatically identify and remove magnetic spacecraft noise from magnetometer measurements. This algorithm was created in order to remove the need to place a magnetometer on the end of a mechanical boom.